The Arab Fact-Checkers Network (AFCN) Code of Principles and Guidelines

The Arab Fact Checkers Network (AFCN) key mission is to scrutinize information related to public interest issues that are published in mainstream media, the internet, and social media channels. AFCN comprises all Arabic-speaking institutions and initiatives that have signed an MoU with AFCN. AFCN includes supporters, advocates, and independent fact-checkers who conduct their work on an independent and freelance basis.

Most recent update: June 2023

AFCN principles were adopted by virtue of research and a study that lasted for more than a year, and relied on deliberations with institutions and initiatives specialized in information investigation, and independent fact- checkers from all Arab countries.

AFCN, MOU signatories, supporters, and advocates, who are referred to herein as the AFCN community, are fully committed to the seven principles stipulated below as the basis for its modus operandi and the essence of the governing relationship between all of them.

All of the principles and standards shall be subject to regular update, based on lessons learned, challenges that could be faced, and to the needs that may arise for fact checking institutions and independent fact-checkers in the Arab world.

I. Commitment to fairness, balance and impartiality

The AFCN community is committed to investigate the widely spread information related to public interest issues, through a clear and transparent approach that utilizes specific and consistent professional standards for all investigation processes.
The AFCN community may not embrace any political, religious, ethical or social stance in its checking processes, and will rely on the use of evidence and proofs to attain conclusions, with full commitment not to publicize or call for any action on the issues they are investigating.

II: Commitment to the unambiguousness of sources

The AFCN community is committed to, clearly and in detail, providing all evidence and proofs supporting the accentuation of the facts it has reached upon publication, and in a manner that also provides the public with the ability to verify the results for themselves. In some cases, and in order to protect some sources who are at risk or who refuse to disclose their name, the source may not be explicitly mentioned with full obligation to provide details and other evidence sufficient and supportive to substantiate the results.

III: Commitment to transparency of funding and organization

AFCN community is committed to reveal all its sources of funding to the management of the network. The network community, along with those unable to disclose this explicitly on their websites or pages on social media for particular reasons or to protect their security and the personal security of their team, are also committed to work professionally away from any influences by their funders on the topics they verify or the conclusions they reach.
In return, the network is committed to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of all information shared therewith. The Arab Fact Checkers Network community is committed to be transparent, revealing its team of employees, the legal status of their work, and the organizational structure of the working team - confidentially - to the network in the event that it is unable to disclose this publicly. Finally, the network community is committed to clearly outline a specific and reliable means of communication and a line of contact with the public, posting clearly a feedback address to communicate with the Fact checkers, encouraging readers to reach out for any query or comment.

IV: Compliance with professional standards and transparent approach

The AFCN community is committed to clearly advertise, on its websites or pages on social networking sites, the detailed methodology used to choose the topics/ news to be checked, and its method of work in verifying the validity of information.
The network community is also committed to continuously update and develop its work methodologies, based on all updates and developments related to the professional sector, and based on the urgent needs and challenges that it may face in the future.

V: Adherence to an open and reasonable correction policy

AFCN community is committed to clearly publish its correction policy. The community also encourages audiences to use critical thinking when cross checking content provided thereto, and to share any correction that they deem necessary. The community is committed to full intelligibility by declaring the error and correction in accordance with the stated correction policy, and to strive to ensure that the public has access to the corrected version.

VI: Full commitment to respect intellectual property rights, creative commons and copyright principles

AFCN community recognizes that intellectual property laws, creative commons licenses, copyrights, use, modification and merging in all content it provides must be observed and considered. The network community is also committed to disclose all references and sources that have been used in the preparation of the content. In the event of using open sources, it is also committed to ensuring that all licenses of the creative commons of open resources are considered.

VII: Commitment to the spirit of cooperation, partnership to upholding the common good

The AFCN community is committed to the spirit of cooperation between its partners, including the exchange of expertise, knowledge, experiences and professional support in its various forms, and working together in any training and development projects or programs organized by the network, or supervised thereby to achieve the common interest and benefit.


The seven basic principles mentioned above reflect the values and practices of the AFCN community, and form the basis of our work. They serve as our guide for joint work and cooperation with the aim of establishing professional rules for the work of fact checking in order to support the network and its community and serve the general public and its right to obtain accurate information.

Through the signing of this Code of Principles and guidelines, the AFCN community is also committed to conducting an ongoing review of the standards of compliance with these seven principles, whenever required, in order to meet the needs of the fact checkers and the changes that may occur in the work environment.